Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Site Moved

Should have posted this awhile ago but I've moved to Wordpress and there is a directlink you can just type in www.3amjosh.com to go to my new site. I am still making videos, and also blogging daily!  I see I get visitors every once in awhile so just wanted to give an update. This will be the last blog update from me on blogspot so make sure you check out www.3amjosh.com!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Swamp Rabbit Bike Trail

Today I ventured out to the Swamp Rabbit Bike trail that goes from Greenville,SC to Travelers Rest. Its around a 10 mile trail and is not all finished yet.
A lot of the trail is pressed down but where its not there is gravel which is not quite as fun to ride on. I saw at least one other person riding on a friday afternoon which I imagine saturdays are busier. There were also guys in a work truck parked along the trail working on trees that had fallen and overhanging branches.

I rode to downtown T.R. and had a cookie and a cup of coffee and made my trek back home. It's a fun trail and now that I look i'm not sure if it was legal that I was on there but i've heard of other people going out riding on it as well. I can't wait for it to be completed and have a nice bike ride through the different areas.

I also saw a little bit of wildlife. There was a snake on the trail catching some sun and there was also a beaver/racoon not sure what it was but it took off when it heard me coming. You can check out the Google Map of the trail at http://www.gcrd.org/swamprabbit/swamprabbitmap.html

It will be nice once it has the rubberized running track and is set to go. Here are some pictures from my adventure today.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Civil Twilight

I got the oppurtunity last week to meet up with the band from South Africa, Civil Twilight. They throw a great show and have a unique sound influenced by coldplay and u2 among others. They were fun to interview and I hope you check out their album and website!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Jamie Lidell is Jim

My wife and I went and saw Jamie Lidell last year at the Orange Peel in Asheville and his vocals blew our minds. He had several songs on his first album that had the classic sort of stevie wonder feel to them and we loved it. His new album "JIM" is jam packed full of upbeat soulful songs that will help you start your day or put you in a good mood anywhere you are. I can't wait for more albums from him to keep rolling out for some great quality stuff. Check out his video for one of his new songs and Buy the album on iTunes. Can't wait to see his show in June.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Furman University Blades of Fun

I went to Furman University today to test out my snorricam mod that is a combination of a friends camera mount design and the snorricam that takes a bit more time to build. It was a lot of fun and people gave me funny reactions. Cars were stopping and everyone was stairing. I am going to mod the camera mount a little bit more so you can see more of the angle I would prefer but this was my first shot with it!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Exciting Happenings!

Ok. So on top of God doing lots of cool things in my job and bringing students forth that we need and the student band growing to be pretty huge He is also letting me do pretty neat things through my 3amjosh.com site and videos!

I can't make any promises yet but I'm working my best to set up some interviews with some pretty top notch bands and really hoping that happens!

Also, this IS happening! I have been chatting with a guy who has been on CNN and on Chris Pirillos ustream which was also featured on CNN. He has agreed to do a phone interview with me live at 3a.m.! It will be 8 pm for him but its still exciting. I will also in the video be featuring all of the things he has accrued so far. Its a pretty amazing story and its been on CNN once and it will be on the Today show and all of that good stuff soon. I jumped on the chance for him to advertise for me and I would advertise for him, although at this point he is much more popular than I am but its a pretty brilliant idea! More to come on that later!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Smoke Signals

Smoke Signals are no way to communicate to be far and wide but lots of new ways are being developed and making their way to primetime. If you work with students, work for a company, or just want to find someone who is interested in the same stuff as you, like gaming or tv shows or even your favorite saying like "Yowza", then this is some great stuff for you.

We all have a myspace account and a facebook but who has a twitter and even more who has their own textmark?

Twitter is a great way to communicate what your up to all the time and sort of an expanded chat and way to get people to watch a video you like or check out your blog or share a news story. Its also great for networking. You can tweetscan your company, favorite band, or yourself to see if anyone has mentioned you without you recognizing it. If you don't have one yet you better create it before someone takes your username.

Textmarks is the next way of communicating with people instantly no matter where you are. Say you have an event you want people to know about or a concert. You just tell them the keyword to twitter like "3amjosh" and tell them to text it to 41411 and it will instantly send a reply text message that you have written and given whatever details you want. You can update your keyword and it will send the update to anyone who has previously texted that keyword. Say I have a new blog post or a new video I can broadcast an alert instantly. Whats the best part is its Free for all the basic needs.

Textmarks has also teamed up with Reactee.com. You customize your t-shirt with a special slogan, then your textmark keyword and then it tells them where to text. I don't have any sort of numbers yet but this weekend I'll be hanging out downtown with my shirt that says "Can't Sleep? Neither Can I, Text 3amJosh to 41411". I will get in real-time text alerts how many people are responding to my t-shirt and hopefully direct more traffice to my site.

Anywho, for whatever purpose you might use your twitter account or textmarks you need to sign up now before everyone else gets all the good ones. Great way to keep in touch and alert people of something new.