Thursday, April 24, 2008

Exciting Happenings!

Ok. So on top of God doing lots of cool things in my job and bringing students forth that we need and the student band growing to be pretty huge He is also letting me do pretty neat things through my site and videos!

I can't make any promises yet but I'm working my best to set up some interviews with some pretty top notch bands and really hoping that happens!

Also, this IS happening! I have been chatting with a guy who has been on CNN and on Chris Pirillos ustream which was also featured on CNN. He has agreed to do a phone interview with me live at 3a.m.! It will be 8 pm for him but its still exciting. I will also in the video be featuring all of the things he has accrued so far. Its a pretty amazing story and its been on CNN once and it will be on the Today show and all of that good stuff soon. I jumped on the chance for him to advertise for me and I would advertise for him, although at this point he is much more popular than I am but its a pretty brilliant idea! More to come on that later!


Matt Gilliam said...

Thats pretty sick dude....

Scott and Lyndsay Crews said...

Very cool!

(Trying to give your site a little more mac traffic here.)